Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

15th July 2016

When it comes to smiling, no one wants to have yellow stained teeth, but after paying attention over the past couple of years, teeth have become whiter and whiter. It isn’t completely unheard of to see celebrities that have become overly concerned about their appearance and have teeth that are so white, it’s distracting.

No matter how white that you want you teeth, there are lots of natural ways and home remedies to achieve that smile you want. And what’s better, is that teeth whitening at home is super easy.

Discolouration of your teeth is part and part of the aging process, just like wrinkles, people will fight both. Whilst you do expect your teeth to change over the years, there are many ways for you to avoid the stains and embarrassment of discolouration.

Home remedies won’t require dentist trips, bleaching or any unknown chemicals.


Eating strawberries can actually help whiten your teeth just by eating them as they contain malic acid and vitamin c. This duo helps remove any surface stains and the Vitamin C will help wash away the plaque. You can also try mashing strawberries and brushing your teeth with the mix once or twice a week, as this will have positive results.


Flossing doesn’t come naturally to people as brushing does but many dentist will say that that flossing is more important than brushing, For best results, floss twice daily. Flossing will help to remove any staining that happens between your teeth, which will help them look whiter.

Baking Soda With Lemon

This duo is probably one of the most popular home remedies. Mixing baking soda and lemon together has a chemical reaction that will give you a smile brightening effect. Both ingredients work well but together are super effective.

Only use this method one a week as i can wear down the tooth enamel if used to often.

To mix, use a little bit of baking soda with the juice from the lemon, the mixture should bubble slightly. Firstly wipe any excess saliva from your teeth before you brush on any mixture. Leave the mixture on your teeth for around a minute before you start brushing.

Fruit and veg

Eating crunchy fruit and veg are like natures toothbrush. Chewing these can simply remove any bacteria that is in your mouth and will help scrub surface stains, the acids that are in the fruit and veg will also keep the teeth white too. Apples in particular, they contain malic acid (also in strawberries and teeth whitening products) that will remove surface stains.

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling has become a new trend. It is an Indian remedy that is used to enhance oral health. The process of oil pulling is easy and harmless. All you will need is organic oil, a tablespoon of that in your mouth and swish it around for about 15-20 minutes. After you have spat out the oil and rinsed thoroughly, try and consume 3 glasses of purified water.


Coffee, soda, tea and wine are all common causes that will damage the enamel of your teeth. So whenever it is possible try using a straw. If you are out and feels like it is embarrassing to drink through a straw then just make sure you brush your teeth after drinking any of these drinks, expect after white wine.
Having a beautiful and healthy smile is something you should be smiling about. No surprise that eating healthy foods can help ensure your teeth will stay white. But also knowing a few home remedies can help to improve your brightness without having to break the bank.

Feature Image Credit: kurhan / 123RF Stock Photo

15th July 2016
About Nadia

Lover of pink blush and braids with an overflowing wardrobe of black outfits and chokers. I’m 27 years young. Love, love, love anything to do with beauty, hair and fashion; not to mention new trends that are coming in, no matter how quirky some of them are. I have a beautiful 7 year old daughter and I live in Essex.